Tuesday 19 December 2017

Easy Tips and Tricks To Help Your Dog Gain Weight

An underweight dog is more prone to health issues. If you notice that your dog is becoming thinner or you think he is underweight, the best thing to do is "fatten" him up - make sure that he is eating right and that he gains some pounds until he reaches the ideal and healthy weight. Weight loss in canines are usually caused by diarrhea, poor appetite and health problems. If you're uncertain, it's best to seek the advice of your veterinarian.
Here are a few easy tricks to help your dog gain weight:
Check your dog's weight
Sometimes a dog may look thin but he actually has the ideal weight for his breed. It's best to check your pet's actual weight and compare it with his breed's ideal weight. It's also important to learn his breed's daily dietary needs to keep him healthy.
Find out the cause
Finding out what causes your pet's weight loss or being underweight will help you find a solution easier. It could be as simple as another dog stealing your pet's food (if you live with multiple dogs) or as serious as a stomach problem. Observe his eating habits if he's getting enough food, if he has any appetite or if he's experiencing diarrhea. If his condition seems to be unexplained, it's time to go to the vet.
Change the feeding schedule
If you've ever tried to shed off a few pounds, you'll know that eating shortly before bed time will cause your body to store the food as fat. You can use this concept to help your skinny pet gain a few pounds. If you feed him twice a day, consider giving him a smaller portion during the day and a bigger one at night so that the calories will be stored in his body as fat while he sleeps instead of being burned as energy.
Introduce new food
Introduce good quality dog food with higher fat and protein content to your dog's diet. This will help him gradually gain some pounds over time. Mix it with other food for more nutrients. Just introduce the new food with care as a new diet usually causes an upset stomach in canines in the beginning.
When we hear the word "exercise", we automatically think it's for weight loss. But a bulk of a canine's weight should be muscles and not fat and a good way to maintain strong and healthy muscles is through a good diet and a good daily amount of physical activity.
Try these simple tricks and your dog should fill out in no time!

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