Tuesday, 19 December 2017

5 Ways To Effectively Stop Excessive Barking in Dogs

Barking is natural for canines but when it keeps you up at night or when the neighbors start to complain, something must be done. When they bark, it means they are trying to tell us something. The most common reasons are to seek attention, to establish a territory, boredom, excitement, fear or even loneliness. It is important to find the main reason for the bad behavior and resolve it, but here are some other proven ways to stop excessive barking in dogs:
Lessen distractions
One of the most common reasons why a dog barks is different stimuli within the environment he's in. Canines get excited easily, they usually bark when they see someone pass by a window, when someone rings the doorbell or when they see another pooch outside. Start by closing the windows in your home or putting him in an area in your home where there are least distractions, especially at night.
Train your dog
Teach your dog some simple, basic commands that will help stop the problem. You can teach him the "Stop Command" with the stop hand gesture whenever he barks or even some verbal cues like "Quiet". Be patient when training your dog and don't expect him to learn overnight. Don't forget to reward him with treats when he reaches a milestone during training.
Redirect his attention
When he starts barking, observe what triggers it - it may be every time someone comes to visit or when meal time is near. One way to deal is to break your furry friend's attention from the present situation. Redirect his attention to his favorite toy, inviting him outside or giving him treats.
Provide him with physical activities
Dogs naturally full of energy and one cause of excessive barking may be from the lack of mental and physical activities. Daily walks or a game of fetch will help use up this energy and tire him out throughout the day.
Use a bark collar
This must be used as a last resort and it is ideal to consult your vet first. Some bark collars spritzes a dog with citronella (an unpleasant scent for them) or emits a high-pitched noise when it detects vibrations in the vocal chords. It has been effective to many dogs and has stopped excessive barking.
Try these simple tips to stop excessive barking in dogs - no more neighbor complaints and quiet nights will be here before you know it!

Basic Dog Training

Most people need to know that training dogs is a fundamental concept when having dog. Simply put, the main purpose is to instil dog obedience and to establish yourself as the pack leader. This is also a good time to bond with the dog as training will be fun.
When can dogs be trained? Puppies have short attention spans and hence most training centres have a minimum of 3 to 6 months for formal training. Note while dogs can still learn new tricks when they can older it gets more challenging to send them for obedience training when they are a few years old and set in their ways.
You can send your dogs for training at dog training centres or you could train them yourself. Those who have prior training experience with dogs will be able to train dogs on their own.
Key training dog success factors
  1. Consistency => Use the same command and hand signal all the time. Even if the dog does not listen to the command, use the same command again instead of trying with another command
  2. Simplicity => Use simple words or signals. Only one command should be issued at one time. Don't mix commands. I was guilty of not following this when I first got involved in dog training. I used to say 'Sit down' to my dog as I was thinking in English. Unfortunately, my dog does not know English and got confused if I wanted him to 'Sit' or to go 'Down'.
  3. Reward => Dogs love been rewarded. Rewards should be immediate after each exercise. You can either praise or treat the dog. Note you are encouraged to say 'Good Boy' rather than food treats as the dog would grow to expect food treat each time it performs a command
  4. Confident => Be confident when issuing commands. Your dog would pick up your insecurities and simply would not obey.
  5. Fun => Both you and the dog should have fun. Never punish the dog if it does not do the commands properly. Instead use rewards to encourage the dogs to obey the command.
  6. Command feasibility => It has been my experience that my German Shepherd Dog don't like been down in the hot ground or wet ground. Issue commands when you think the dog would also have no issue or has the ability to execute the order.
List of Canine good citizen commands
Dogs do not need to know many commands and the list below is generally sufficient. Note have a training leash handy.
  1. Heel
  2. Sit
  3. Down
  4. Come
  5. Stand
  6. Stay

Easy Tips and Tricks To Help Your Dog Gain Weight

An underweight dog is more prone to health issues. If you notice that your dog is becoming thinner or you think he is underweight, the best thing to do is "fatten" him up - make sure that he is eating right and that he gains some pounds until he reaches the ideal and healthy weight. Weight loss in canines are usually caused by diarrhea, poor appetite and health problems. If you're uncertain, it's best to seek the advice of your veterinarian.
Here are a few easy tricks to help your dog gain weight:
Check your dog's weight
Sometimes a dog may look thin but he actually has the ideal weight for his breed. It's best to check your pet's actual weight and compare it with his breed's ideal weight. It's also important to learn his breed's daily dietary needs to keep him healthy.
Find out the cause
Finding out what causes your pet's weight loss or being underweight will help you find a solution easier. It could be as simple as another dog stealing your pet's food (if you live with multiple dogs) or as serious as a stomach problem. Observe his eating habits if he's getting enough food, if he has any appetite or if he's experiencing diarrhea. If his condition seems to be unexplained, it's time to go to the vet.
Change the feeding schedule
If you've ever tried to shed off a few pounds, you'll know that eating shortly before bed time will cause your body to store the food as fat. You can use this concept to help your skinny pet gain a few pounds. If you feed him twice a day, consider giving him a smaller portion during the day and a bigger one at night so that the calories will be stored in his body as fat while he sleeps instead of being burned as energy.
Introduce new food
Introduce good quality dog food with higher fat and protein content to your dog's diet. This will help him gradually gain some pounds over time. Mix it with other food for more nutrients. Just introduce the new food with care as a new diet usually causes an upset stomach in canines in the beginning.
When we hear the word "exercise", we automatically think it's for weight loss. But a bulk of a canine's weight should be muscles and not fat and a good way to maintain strong and healthy muscles is through a good diet and a good daily amount of physical activity.
Try these simple tricks and your dog should fill out in no time!

3 Effective Tips To Get Your Dog To Sleep At Night

It's simple - if your dog is awake at night, you'll most likely be awake as well. With all the barking, whining and fussing around, it will definitely be hard to get a good night's sleep. As a dog parent, it's important to find out what causes your pet to be up during nighttime. Does he get hungry or need to do his business during the wee hours? Is he uncomfortable in his sleeping space? Knowing why he can't sleep will help you solve the issue much faster.
Here are some effective tips to get your dog to sleep at night:
Include more physical activities in your dog's daily routine
Canines have all this energy. If they're not used up throughout the day, it may be one cause why they're having a hard time sleeping in the evening. To ensure that their energy is used up, take him on a daily walk or run, play a game of fetch or have him play with active dogs. When he expends energy, he gets tired and will most likely feel sleepy as bed time approaches.
Let him know that it's bed time
Dogs have no concept of time, that's why it's important for you to establish both a daytime and a night time routine. Familiarize him with a night routine which he'll eventually know will shortly lead to bed time. You can start by feeding him dinner then playing for a bit. After a while, you can put away his toys and turn off the lights to let him know it's time to sleep. Over time, he'll know this routine by heart and he'll have an easier time going to bed.
Make his sleep space more conducive
Puppies who are used to crates may feel more comfortable sleeping in one. So if you recently transitioned your pet to his own bed, it may be one reason why he's having a difficult time snoozing at night. Observe where he is most comfortable sleeping and make it even more conducive - provide a long-lasting dog treat or his favorite toy to make him feel that his sleeping space is a spot that is his own.
The best thing to do is to let your dog associate sleeping and his sleep space with positive things. This way, he will be more comfortable and it will be easier for him to relax and snooze at night.

3 Simple Dog Care Tips

Having a pet dog is no easy responsibility. Every dog parent should always be on top of their pet's physical and emotional well-being. The goal is to have a healthy and happy pet which makes both your life and his life better. Taking care of a dog is a continuous learning process - you learn something new from time to time. While each dog owner has their own approach on how they prefer to raise their pets, here are some easy dog care tips from the pros you can consider:
Have your dog checked by the vet regularly
Like us, as dogs grow older, they become more prone to health issues. It could be as simple as a toothache or as serious as a heart problem. The symptoms doesn't always show or it's too late when they do - that's why it's important to bring your pet to the vet regularly to have a general check up. Annual check ups should also cover dental care, health screenings, vaccinations, parasite control as well as recommended vaccinations. According to the Academy of Veterinary Nutrition Technicians president Dr. Kara M. Burns, regular exams are the single most important way to keep pets healthy.
Prevent your dog from getting parasites
The most common parasite that can affect your canine's health are fleas. When they're exposed to other dogs who has them, your pet can easily be plagued by the external parasite. Fleas can cause skin irritation, infection, hair loss, hot spots and more. If your pet swallows a flea, other parasites can easily be introduced to his body like a tapeworm. To help prevent both external and internal parasites, make sure that your dog and the environment he moves in are clean. Year-round prevention is ideal by getting regular flea and internal parasite control.
Keep your dog mentally and physically healthy
According to Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center professor and veterinary nutritionist Dr. Tony Buffington, an enriched environment is key to the long-term health and welfare of both canines and felines. A daily walk or run or a regular game of fetch will keep your pet physically active and healthy. Mental stimulation is just as important, so try a game of hide and seek, a toy or a treat hunt and other similar games at home.
Follow these effective dog care tips from the pros to contribute to your pet's health and happiness!

How Much Training Is Required for Your Dog?

Fewer Sessions is More Effective
A recent study has shown that Beagles who were trained 5 times a week needed more teaching sessions than the dogs that were given only 1 training session per week. This study divided the dogs in two different groups where one group was given training for 5 times a week while the other group was trained for only one time.
The results showed that the dogs, which were given only one teaching session per week, were trained in much lesser training period than the other group. It should be remembered that the entire teaching period of the dogs, with one training session were longer due to the difference in number of training sessions between the two groups.
Keep the Sessions Short
Like the number of teaching sessions, the duration of training sessions also needs to be short. Experts suggest that each session should not exceed the limit of 15 minutes.
If the puppy is young then it can get distracted quite easily. They tend to have shorter attention span. So, you need to provide adequate training during that time period only. If the session is too long, eventually they will get bored and distracted. That will defeat the entire purpose of the training.
Train Less in a Session
Don't try to cover too much in one session. Sticking to one particular thing is usually wise because then your dog will learn to follow the orders in proper manner.
Mixing too many instructions might also confuse your puppy or dog. Let it expertise in one command first and then jump on to the other commands, gradually. In this way, through short and effective sessions you can better train your dog to be obedient.
Lessen the Distraction
Your dog's attention should be at its peak when you are training it a new command. So, choose a place which is quite and free from any sort of distractions. This will help your dog to listen to your carefully and follow accordingly.
Choosing a place with several distractions might not allow it to settle down properly. Your dog needs to be calmed down before you decide to start teaching something new.
End it Well
A short training session should be ended appropriately on a positive note. Make sure that your dog understands that it has done well or not, during that session. Giving it a reward at the end often works out well.
The dog also looks forward to achieve it the next time you start the training. In this way your pet also understands the importance of the training. It will get motivated to carry on with the behaviour later on even after the end of the training sessions.

First Aid Kits for Dogs

When owning a dog, it is always best to be prepared since you never know what can happen. Having everything you need in one place during an emergency can be a life-saver. Here are some of the most important things to have in first aid kits for dogs.
When it comes to certain emergencies, you will have to rely on professional help. Therefore, you need to have convenient access to any numbers you would possibly need. You may need the number to your vet's office, or their emergency line if they're closed. The national animal poison hotline may come in handy too (800-548-2423 or 888-426-4435).
Speaking of poisoning, you will definitely need to take quick and decisive action if your dog gets poisoned. One of the best things to have on-hand is activated charcoal. If you give it in a timely manner, it may help absorb the poisonous substance that your dog ingested. Of course, it is best that you to talk to your vet or another professional before actually giving it to your dog though.
Your dog may suffer a simple scrape or abrasion that needs patching up. To keep it from getting infected, it is best to apply an antibiotic ointment to the affected area before bandaging it up. Antibiotics won't cure everything, so have some anti-fungal cream or spray too. In addition to simple bandages, first aid kits for dogs should also have strips of cloth of varying lengths as well as gauze.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide works wonders for many different things. For example, you can use it to clean your dog's wound if you don't have any antibiotic or anti-fungal cream. The solution is also useful for keeping your canine's ears clean.
When using hydrogen peroxide, antibiotic cream, or something else, you will need some way to apply it to your dog. It is best to have both cotton balls and swabs in your dog first aid kit so you can handle all situations. Bandages have sticky material themselves, but gauze and strips of cloth don't. So, you should also have adhesive tape in your dog first aid kit.
When certain health problems arise, your dog will develop a temperature to signal something is wrong. You should have a thermometer so you can always measure your dog's temperature with ease. Look for the rectal variety designed for dogs. The ideal temperature for canines lies roughly between 99 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit.
When dealing with certain messes, you won't want to risk getting contaminated yourself. Therefore, make sure that you always have a pair of latex gloves on-hand. There should also be towels to clean up any messes that your dog makes whether it be blood or vomit.
Towels can also come in handy for other reasons. You will definitely want to have a few if your dog needs to be kept warm, as is the case with hypothermia. If you need a stretcher for your dog, a towel can serve that purpose as well.
Make sure that you choose a storage place that's highly convenient to access. Not only should it be cool, but it should be dry too. This means that the bathroom isn't the perfect place for first aid kits for dogs since it's frequently filled with moisture.

Symptoms Of Dog Pain

Every pet owner finds it dreadful whenever their pooch is sick or in pain. While there are plenty of obvious signs that show this, keep in mind that dogs don't speak our language and can't always tell us when they're not feeling well. Dogs mainly communicate to humans through actions so it's important to be observant about their behaviors especially if you suspect that they are sick.
Here are 5 symptoms of dog pain that every pet owner should watch out for:
Heavy Panting
Panting is normal behavior for canines. Heavy panting shouldn't be a surprise as well, especially during hot days. But if your pet pants heavily out of nowhere, this may indicate that he's stressed or in pain.
Lack of Appetite
Inappetence is usually the first obvious symptom when a dog is in pain or feeling sick. Just like us, we lose appetite when we're not feeling well. Lack of appetite in canines can be caused by many reasons but if it persists, it's better to consult your veterinarian to find out the cause.
Excessive Grooming
While it's natural for dogs to groom themselves by licking, it's not normal for it to become an obsessive behavior. If you notice your pooch licking a particular area of his body for extended periods, it could indicate that he is in pain. Canines will often groom parts of their body where the pain is coming from in the hopes to soothe or care for the wound.
Shyness or Aggression
A dog that's in pain will usually hide away in a corner and avoid attention because he doesn't have the energy to play or socialize. On the other hand, other dogs who are experiencing pain have the tendency to become aggressive especially when touched. Don't take it personally if your usual sweet and lively pooch growls or snaps at you when you try to play with him - he just doesn't have any other means to let you know that he is hurting.
General Changes in Behavior
If your dog doesn't greet you excitedly anymore when you arrive, if he doesn't want to play with his favorite toy or if he refuses any physical activities such as his daily walks or simply climbing up the stairs, he is most probably in pain or feeling sick. Bring him to the vet to get checked out especially if the problem persists.
If you notice any of the above mentioned signs or symptoms of dog pain in your pet, it is best to seek medical help to be sure that the problem is resolved immediately.

Make Your Dog Intelligent

Being a pet owner, it is essential to understand the benefits of the full intellectual development of your dog. Toys especially designed for dogs can prove really valuable for their mental stimulation. Your dog could easily get over from its boredom and loneliness and keep itself occupied in a positive way with toys. Needless to say that an occupied mind makes a happy and healthy dog.
Extensive research has been conducted in the field of animal psychology and the current array of dog toys available in the market are the result of this research work. Following are the crucial aspects that are taken into consideration while building toys for dogs-
  • Psyche
  • Behavior
  • Nature
  • Attitude
  • Preference
  • Propensity
  • Mood & Temperament
They are created to serve a specific purpose. They can aid the fundamental development of your pet in an interactive way and make the bonding between you and your beloved pet even stronger.
Since the beginning of the civilization, toys have been used in an effective way to impart education with fun for humans. This technique has been followed by our generation for the 360 degree mental and physical reinforcement of dogs. Dog toys will not only make the learning exciting but also unforgettable. According to the animal research experts, once an animal learns something through fun, he/she will never forget it for the rest of his/her life. Dog toys can be divided into various categories, take a look at them-
  1. Training Toys: By utilizing training toys, you can turn exercise sessions with your dog into fun and games. They are far better than food-only training toys that can heavily increase the body weight of your dog in an unnatural way. Kong Company, Go Dog Go, Tug-N-Treats and other are some of the popular training toys.
  2. Dog Toy Puzzles: Just as human beings, dogs love puzzle toys. By unlocking the puzzles and solving various challenges will help your dog to become more intelligent and smart. Hide-A-Squirrel, KONG Classic, Hide-and-Slide Puzzle are some of the best-known puzzle toys you can have for your dog.
  3. Active Toys: A supremely active dog is less prone to disease. Tug toys, chew toys, fetch toys are different types of toys that can immensely help your dog to remain healthy by offering various types of activity scopes.
  4. Comfort Toys: Comfort toys can keep your dog cozy while sleeping. Flopper duck, floppet are the types of toys that can make your dog feel comfortable.
Dog toys available on the online stores will not only make your pet fit and agile but also discourage bad behavior. Their use will have a positive effect on them and reduces the risk your puppy will chew on your new shoes. They are specifically designed to make better interaction with humans through playing.
Final Thought-
Do keep in mind that dogs enjoy most when their owners get involved and participate in the game. A dog toy will not prove effective and useful if there isn't someone on the other side.

Poisonous Foods for Dogs

Despite having immensely strong stomachs that can usually tackle something dragged out of a garbage can, there are a lot of things that are toxic to a dog and even potentially lethal if consumed. Many of them are not just human foods, but things that appear around your house that you would not normally expect a dog to eat. The following is a list of things that you should try to keep secure or away from your dog.
Human Foods
While dogs can take on a lot of human foods and digest them fine, there are some that they should not eat. These include, chocolate, onions, certain grains, garlic, alcohol, and some are cautious about feeding pork, among other foods. Certain foods contain chemicals (such as theobromine in chocolate) and acidic qualities like in the onions that can cause problems from gas and indigestion all the way to the liver and pancreatic problems. While a very small amount won't necessarily kill your dog, it doesn't do him any good, so it is best to try to secure these items and others from him.
Of course, any drug can be dangerous for dogs. As with children who don't know any better, a dog can get into medications if they are left out or if they are thrown into the trash. Some dogs may just be chewing on the bottle when it breaks and so they accidentally swallow some. Always keep medications, even as much as antacids and children's medicine, locked safely in a high cabinet that is out of reach.
Many household plants and shrubs are poisonous to dogs as well. Canines will sometimes munch on the greenery as they do grass outside, in an attempt to settle their stomachs. But some of these plants have toxins that can cause sickness in dogs. The most common plants include ferns, daffodil bulbs, lilies, and dracaena. There are also certain garden plants that may be growing outside that can harm them, such as Ivy/vines, Yew, Foxgloves, Onion, and Tomato plants among many others. It is a good idea to read up on what can potentially harm your dog.
Household cleaners
You wouldn't normally expect your dog to get into your household cleaners, but with the brightly colored plastic bottle and the fact they are kept in a low cupboard under the sink, your dog could mistake them for toys and start to play and chew. Anything containing chemicals is harmful, especially bleach and anything like drain cleaner or oven cleaner are lethal. If you suspect your dog has been playing with anything (telltale sign would be tooth marks on the bottle) you must call a vet and animal poison control for advice and help. It can mean the difference in his life when it comes to domestic cleaners.
Dogs, like children, can get into trouble easily, and they will usually find anything that you didn't want them too! Therefore, you must always dog-proof your house before getting a dog and just practice common sense from there on, by keeping things safe and secure and out of paws-reach! However, even then they can still get into mischief and swallow something they shouldn't so always be aware.